Past events:

Self Care for Beginners 

Online Course 09&10 October

Understand more about how your body, mind, and soul work together and how you can better care for them by using expert self-care tips

This course is perfect for those of you who want to:
Understand more about how your body, mind, and soul work together and how you can better care for them by using expert self-care tips
Find out how you can shake off that negativity that has been preventing you so far from connecting with yourself on the highest level
✨ Reveal where you stand right now in your life and get more clarity about areas in your life
Learn how to positively change from the inside out so you can get what you want in life with more ease
You will also receive a manual in digital form to help you have a real, structured and written guideline of the course and that you can keep for the future. All below tools are included.

1.1 The body - your material self. Tools: healthy eating tips
1.2 The mind - your mental self. Tools: powerful affirmations dictionary
1.3 The soul - your divine self. Tools: 6 tips for your evening self-care routine
Tools: visualization technique to switch to positive thinking
BONUSES included in the workbook:
I. “Healthy eating tips in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s for a long and happy life” - expert article courtesy of Dr. Monica Mocanu, diabetologist and nutritionist (Value 450€)
II. Powerful affirmations dictionary and mantras to release negative beliefs or vows (Value 450€)
III. Heart-centered meditation to get a deeper connection with your soul and raise your vibration (Value 120€ - digital)

***This unique course is a beautiful gift for yourself as a gesture of self love, or maybe for your stressed friend, sister, or mom, even as a present for a birthday, graduation, or just as a little something to help out.

Please note this event takes up 2 days due to its deep working effect:
- first part on Saturday 09.10.21 (2PM-7.30PM) and
- second part on Sunday 10.10.21 (2PM-7.30PM).

The Zoom link will be provided to you after registration.

Past events

Mirela Manolache Coaching Workshops

Coaching for Success

Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2020 (German)
Donnerstag, 5. November 2020 (German)
Donnerstag, 26. November 2020 (German)

Was dich erwartet:

Der erste Schritt zur Erreichung deiner Ziele ist zu wissen, was dein Ziel tatsächlich ist - klingt einfach, kann aber kompliziert sein. 

Ich begleite dich in den Workshop, SMARTE Ziele zu setzen und zeige dir wie du auch prüfen kannst, ob dein Ziel auch etwas ist, was du dich von ganzem Herzen wünschst. 

In diesem Workshop bekommst du das effizienteste Werkzeug, um deine Ziele Schritt für Schritt in der Realität umsetzen zu können. 

Mirela Manolache Coaching Workshops

Zeit für Dankbarkeit 

Exklusiver Workshop für Frauen 03.12.2020 (German)

Dezember ist einfach magisch! 

Die Glücklichsten von uns dürfen die Liebe einer Familie und die Freude an Geschenken erleben. Aber diese Magie kannst du jeden Tag in dir spüren! 

In diesem exklusiven Workshop lernst du, wie Dankbarkeit dir jeden Tag Geschenke machen kann: körperlich, mental und seelisch.

Mirela Manolache Big and Growing Festival München

Big & Growing Festival

Mindfulness for Female Leaders, Keynote

Tuesday 17.11.2020 13.30  (English)

Great businesses come with great leaders and they all have a high level of people awareness in common and a sense of purpose.
Find out how YOU and your business can grow stronger by practicing mindfulness at work.
Get awareness tips that work in the long run and positively impact your team’s impression of you. Tickets on the official B&G website,

Past Events 

Mirela Manolache Coaching Workshops München

„Emotionale Intelligenz“ Workshop mit Markus Hornung

Sa. 22. August 2020 Klicke hier für Tickets oder
Sa. 29. August 2020 Klicke hier für Tickets

Sei herzlich eingeladen zu einem zweistündigen Workshop mit anschließender Austausch- und Fragerunde, in dem Du erfährst, was man 25 Jahre nach Goleman unter Emotionaler Intelligenz versteht und wie es Dir mit ihrer Hilfe gelingt, noch klarer zu kommunizieren, noch verständnisvoller zu sein und noch wohltuendere konfliktfreiere Beziehungen zu pflegen.

Folgende Fragen/Gedanken werden uns in den zwei Stunden leiten:

• Wozu haben Menschen Emotionen? – Ein Prominenter fragt nach

• Wie entstehen Emotionen? – Ein wenig Psychologie, ein wenig Gehirnforschung

• Der klare und dosierte Ausdruck von Emotionen – Sprache, Körpersprache und Stimme überzeugend einsetzen

• Der intelligente Umgang mit Emotionen anderer – Zwischen Killerphrasen und Zustimmung

• Emotionale Intelligenz mit Kindern – Von bösen Wölfen und Indianern

• Ausblick zu weiteren privaten Anwendungsfeldern


Spezieller Bonus: 1 extra Stunde danach  Q&A, freie Discussion & Austausch mit Markus

Vielen Dank, dass wir dich dabei begleiten dürfen. 

Deine Mirela

Mirela Manolache Coaching Internations Consul

As a Consul for the largest expat community in the world, I usually host interactive online / offline activities once a month. Check out the latest official Events and connect with global minds and hearts at our events.

Let's talk about relationships ! - online workshop 30.07 

We all have relationships we want to improve: with our partners, with our colleagues, family members or maybe our boss. So, what makes a relationship great and what is the key to mending one when it’s not exactly going as we would like it too?

Join me for a fun workshop, find out how you can understand the others better and improve your relationships overall. E-See you soon!

Sending you love and positivity,
Mirela, Activity Host

Mirela Manolache Workshops München_das Kleine Paradies

I usually host an Open Day once a month at the Women´s Center Das-kleine-Paradies in Munich, where you are welcome to join us.

We get together and discuss about how we can better care for ourselves as women, how we can help each other and we do that in a small paradise as the name says, with absolutely no judgement towards each other whatsoever. 

Empathy, understanding and empowerment are key for me and these are some of my core values as a Self Care Coach.