If necessary please contact the person responsible for the content:
Business owner: Mirela Manolache
Business Address: Blutenburgstraße 79, 80634 München
Email: [email protected] or use the website form.
Other or specific information can be provided later on or upon request and should it be necessary.
Photo credits:
- All photos of Mirela Manolache are property of Mirela Manolache and cannot be copied/used without the specific agreement of the owner.
- Foto Mirela Manolache blue shirt: Theresa Meyer Studio.
- Foto Mirela Manolache flower shirt: Carmen Bergmann
- Photo credits Events Page Internations activities: InterNations logo and InterNations activity photos from InterNations:
- White dress girl in the field: AdobeStock_300400521_mod; Girl with hat and flowers in the field AdobeStock_115063348_mod
- Other credits: see below
Graphic design:
Self-care evening routine & workbook graphic designer: Susann Bischof.
Return policy of English products: 60 days.
For further details, please check the return policy.
Mirela Manolache is an internationally certified personal coach, therefore the sessions will not provide a medical diagnosis, prescribe medicine, give psychotherapy or be reimbursable by medical insurance.
Photo credits: Eloise Ambursley on Unsplash, Alex Jones on Unsplash, Tanja Heffner on Unsplash, Verne Ho on Unsplash, Brooke Cagle on Unsplash, Brooke Cagle on Unsplash, Tim Swaan on Unsplash