It is in our darkest times that we see the brightest light.

Self Care for Beginners Workbook

Self Care for Beginners

Mirela Manolache Coaching Programs

Special Programs

Reset Now 1 Day Personal Program 

The Reset Now Program allows you to actively take action towards resetting and changing your life. It is held in beautiful München or online upon request and you will get one-on-one Coaching on YOUR themes, plus a follow-up session.

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Personal Coaching 

Personal Coaching Sessions to help you get what you want in life with more ease: confidence, work-life-family balance, unlock your potential, achieve your goals and so much more.

Mirela Manolache Big and Growing München Festival

Leadership & Business Coaching

I'm always working on something.
Most of the time, I'm focused on getting results for my clients because that's what I've been doing in the past 20 years for some of the biggest names out there like IBM, Launchmetrics, or BMW. The newest adventure is joining the Big & Growing Festival and speaking about mindfulness for female leaders.